Hi! I’m Jan Scarbrough. I am a Reiki Master and a shamanic practitioner. Welcome to my website. I hope you find the things I offer here to be inspiring and encouraging. Please visit often as the website is definitely a work in progress!
Although I have been practicing both Reiki and shamanism for more than 10 years, I only recently have taken the leap to leave my “day job” and follow this path of healing work. I experience such deep satisfaction when I am working with people, animals, and Mother Earth herself, that I knew this was what I need to be doing with my life.
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” This has been true for me my entire life, but the teachers that I have been blessed with in the past 30 years are the ones that have impacted my life greatly, and I am so grateful to each of them for the wisdom they have shared with me. Rev. Ada Marie Windish, my first teacher/ mentor along this amazing path; Colleen Deatsman, author, Shaman, teacher and friend, who introduced me to aspects of myself I never knew existed; and my dear friend and astrologer, Mary Keswani, who constantly reminds me of “who I am” through the amazing lessons of astrology. These amazing women all know how to challenge me and push my buttons big time.